An extension of the Rubdown series, "First Contact" explores the way people attempt to distinguish themselves through initial messages on dating apps like OkCupid and Tinder. Some messages are simple "hello"s, while others are comedic, sexy, or odd. These messages can be incredibly blunt or subtle, but all messages reveal seemingly hidden tidbits about the writer behind them. Their wants and needs, confidence and insecurities, interests, fantasies, and fetishes.
An extension of the Rubdown series, "First Contact" explores the way people attempt to distinguish themselves through initial messages on dating apps like OkCupid and Tinder. Some messages are simple "hello"s, while others are comedic, sexy, or odd. These messages can be incredibly blunt or subtle, but all messages reveal seemingly hidden tidbits about the writer behind them. Their wants and needs, confidence and insecurities, interests, fantasies, and fetishes.